Affiliation: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Second author: Cosmin TILEAGĂ (
Affiliation: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Theoretically and virtually, the investment and development fund projects and their activity prove to be sustainable in the long run, for example in Norway, where the additional income from the exploitation of natural resources in the North Sea is accumulated in an investment and development fund. In this case, it is about a revenue surplus that has been estimated to be accumulated and multiplied. The project to establish a sovereign investment fund in Romania, which is based on an initially subscribed share capital, mainly constituted by contribution in kind, that is from participations held by the Romanian State in certain companies, underlines both theoretically and virtually, major differences compared to the Norwegian model and even to other European projects developed in this area.
Pages: 21 - 27
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Publication date: December, 2019