Author: DINGA Emil (
Affiliation: Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania


The paper aim is to examine the logical and epistemological bases of the institutionalism (especially of the economic institutionalism) in order to show that it is, in fact, a species of evolutionism (including of the economic evolutionism or of the Evolutionary Economics). The analysis will be driven from the perspective of axiomatic theories as Economics should, probably, be grounded. Among others, the paper tries to demonstrate that the institutionalism as a species of evolutionism is part of Political Economics (as normative theory) but not at all a part of Economics (as positivist theory). In the end of the study, the concepts of ethics and of morals, respectively (which are explained to be vastly different from each other) are introduced in discussion and shown they are important ingredients regarding the institutionalism as a species of evolutionism. It seems further considerations in the perspective of considering institutionalism as component part of evolutionism could be of scientific interest.

Keywords: institutionalism, evolutionism, logics, epistemology, historicism

Pages: 49 - 54
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Publication date: June, 2021

DINGA Emil, 2021. "INSTITUTIONALISM AS A SPECIES OF EVOLUTIONISM", Management of Sustainable Development, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol. 13(1), pages 49-54, June. DOI: