Affiliation: Department of Open Distance, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Resource Mobilization is a global phenomenon in the Covid-19 era with Empowerment Projects as a solution kit for Youth’s unemployment through development of a robust ICT Technology centres and Innovation hubs to mentor Youth’s into economic value chain in the society. Ideally, study seeks to demonstrate how Resource Mobilization in Covid-19 era influences Youth’s Empowerment Projects in Busia County, Kenya. The study was double-helix of Motivation and Human need theories. Descriptively, Composite Mean was 1.90 with a standard deviation of 1.080 implied the performance of Youths’ Empowerment Projects in Busia County, Kenya had improved for the last one and a half years. The adjusted R2= .251for Social Responsibility, R2 = 0.214 for Business Mentorship projects and R2=.208 for Innovation hubs with predictive power of about 25.1%, 21.4% and 20.8% variations in the projects. The F- values for Social Responsibility, 15.017 with 0.05< p>0.496, the F-calculated for Business Mentorship, 15.219 with 0.05 < p>0.161 and finally the F-calculated for Innovation hubs was 16.470 with 0.05< p> 0, indicated a statistical significant relationship between Social Responsibility, Business Mentorship and Innovation hubs in Covid-19 era and Youths’ Empowerment Projects. The variable was significant since p> 0.05; hence, alternative hypothesis presumed statistical significant influence between Resource Mobilization in Covid-19 era and Youth’s empowerment projects, was accepted. The study recommends adoption of social responsibility, Business mentorship and innovation hubs as a platform for resource mobilization in Busia County, Kenya.
Pages: 4 - 10
Volume: 14
Issue: 2
Publication date: December, 2022