Affiliation: Faculty of Economics, Administration, and Social Science, Antalya Bilim University, Türkiye
Second author: SEN Cem (
Affiliation: Freelance Lecturer/Researcher
Third author: MERT Ibrahim Sani (
Affiliation: Faculty of Economics, Administration, and Social Science, Antalya Bilim University, Türkiye
This study aims to determine and understand the motivators for sharing on social media. This is why the following research questions delve into these crucial topic areas for content creators and marketers. Why do users share content on social media platforms? If anything, does the nature of content influence sharing on social networking sites? Does the behavior of social media users affect how they share content? We use social media for personal bonding as well, and to ensure that our immediate friend circle appreciates us, we share meme posts only because memes are worth sharing, or just want them to know about something important that happened in the past hour-to-hour. For a project to encourage the spread, it must be of great value/line up perfectly with what motivations will lead them to share that content in their networks. A survey was conducted on Facebook, and data were analyzed using smartPLS(n=300). Various outcomes were driven. The connection between content types and encouraging users to share is strong, resulting in minimal barriers to encouraging sharing. The second subjective norm, the power of social connections, was strongly linked to users’ motivation to share. Across Facebook users, the sharing behavior appears to be dissimilar.
Pages: 120 - 141
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Publication date: December, 2024